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Solution for your Resolution!

Here we go again setting resolutions that are unrealistic, ambiguous, or otherwise unattainable, and trying to muster a smile when that one wise acre at work declares, “My resolution is to make no resolutions!”

Although we are launching into a new decade, the resolutions that people are making are not breaking ground in the area of innovation with the Top 10 Resolutions listed as:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Lose weight
  3. Get organized
  4. Learn a new hobby or skill
  5. Live life to the fullest
  6. Save more money
  7. Stop Smoking
  8. Spend more time with friends and family
  9. Travel more
  10. Read more

Even at a major milestone year only 60% of adults will make a New Year’s Resolution, and only 8% of those individuals will be successful 80% will give up by January 1.

So maybe….. JUST MAYBE people are not making resolutions because they are afraid to fail. Well, we at Northwest Home Team Realty have a SOLUTION for your RESOLUTION…. OUTSOURCE!


It takes very little effort to research on the web and discover that it takes 21 days to set up a new habit for yourself and it takes 90 days for that habit to become a lifestyle, but 80% of people are giving up before the first month is in the books. So, we are going to swoop in and help you! If you have been toying with the idea of selling your home…. Make that mental move and set the goal “I’m going to sell my home in 2020” and then call us!

Don’t risk letting your home goals go by the wayside like 92% of other resolution makers! Get the Northwest Home Team involved! We will sell your house GARUNATEED! That’s right we will sell you home in the next 60 days or we will sell it for FREE!*

Statistically speaking, we will sell your home before you give up on your diet and exercise plan…. So call us and start packing, because you could be reaching your first resolution and moving in the next 60 days!




*Some restrictions apply

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