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Monthly Archives: September 2017

    How to Start a Compost Bin

    By Caitlin Moss | September 15, 2017

    It’s nearly Fall. The leaves are starting to change colors and, before we know it, will begin to fall and the yards will need raking and the gutters will need cleaning. Which means it’s the perfect time to consider composting. Now before you start feeling overwhelmed about having one more thing to do, understand that... Read More

    To Flip or Not to Flip?

    By Caitlin Moss | September 4, 2017

    There’s no doubt the concept of flipping houses has gained popularity in recent years. Flipping is the concept of purchasing a home and quickly renovating it to make a quick profit. It’s a risky way to invest your money but can lead to big money if you play your cards right. The question is: how... Read More